Bryan Walsh

I'm a senior writer for TIME magazine, covering energy and the environment—and also, occasionally, scary diseases. Previously I was the Tokyo bureau chief for TIME, and reported from Hong Kong on health, the environment and the arts. I live in Brooklyn.

Articles from Contributor

Ecocentric Ecocentric

5 Questions With Farm Sanctuary President Gene Baur

A guest post from TIME’s Feifei Sun:

In 1986, Gene Baur started selling veggie dogs out of his aqua blue Volkswagen van to raise money for Farm Sanctuary, an animal rights organization he co-founded with his then-wife. This May, Baur hopped back into his van to embark on a road trip across America, called the Just Eats Tour (which

Ecocentric Ecocentric

Can Airlines Learn to Handle Volcanic Ash?

It was a little more than a year ago that Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano erupted, spewing thick ash high into the atmosphere. The volcano itself—aside from giving copy editors and news readers headaches—did relatively little damage in Iceland itself, but the ash cloud spread across much of Europe. Because volcanic ash can …

Ecocentric Ecocentric

How to Prepare a Vegan Banquet

This is a guest post from TIME’s Kayla Webley:

As a full-fledged carnivore, I attended Farm Sanctuary’s 25th Anniversary Gala last weekend to eat a three-course vegan meal. Having been a vegetarian in years past and as a general lover of tofu, quinoa and other vegan staples, I was very open to the evening’s eats.

During the …

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