
Supertrees of Singapore

Featuring soaring vertical, man-made plantings called supertrees, the 133-acre Gardens by the Bay project is situated near Singapore’s financial district and aimed at showcasing the city state’s tropical locale. The gardens — …

How Chinese Babies Pay the Price for Chinese Pollution

It’s a very good thing that neural tube defects are relatively rare in the U.S., because they are very cruel conditions for a newborn to suffer. The two most common types of such birth defects are spina bifida – in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close properly — and anencephaly, in which a large portion of the brain …

The Psychology of Environmentalism: How the Mind Can Save the Planet

There aren’t a whole lot of scientific disciplines that haven’t had something to say about climate change over the years — and with good reason. When a problem is global in scale there’s a universe of specialists and subspecialists who have to pitch in to to fix it — meteorologists, chemists, geologists, physicists, zoologists, …

You Can Believe Your Eyes: Low Visibility Can Mean Higher Death Rates

Does it look like a bad day to go out for a run? Maybe a little too hazy out there? Here’s a tip: It is. Don’t do it.

A study released today by Hong Kong University and published in the journal Environmental Research has found that lower visibility due to pollution has a direct correlation with increased rates of mortality in Hong …

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