A normally calm state is hit by a wave of minor earthquakes—causing some to point the finger at fracking. But wastewater …
While Britain Floods, Politicians Debate Climate Change
Extreme winter weather in the U.K. has sparked a bitter debate about the impact of climate change
For Extreme Weather, 2013 Was an Unextreme Year
There was no shortage of memorable weather events in 2013, but a new report says the human and financial cost from extreme events was surprisingly low. Why that likely won’t last
Scientific Panel: Global Warming Threatens Society, Warning System Needed
Mass plant and animal extinction a risk, coral reefs could already be doomed
Climate Change Didn’t Cause Supertyphoon Haiyan. But the Storm Is Still a Reason to Fight Warming
While scientists can’t yet find a clear signal between global warming and killer tropical storms like Haiyan, the supertyphoon could well be a sign of what’s to come in a warmer world
While the Atlantic Is Quiet, a Historic Typhoon Bears Down on the Western Pacific
The tropical storm gathering strength in the western Pacific might be the most powerful on record. And the Philippines will pay the price.
Bad News for Storm-Battered Europe: There’s More Extreme Weather on the Horizon
As northern Europe recovers from a major Atlantic storm, a new report suggests more extreme weather could be the norm.
A Year After Sandy, Living Dangerously by the Sea
Sea-level rise amplified the devastating coastal flooding caused by Superstorm Sandy. Climate change and population growth will raise the risk — unless we act soon
Your City Might Not Be Ready for the Next Big Quake
More than 20 million people will take part in the Great ShakeOut today, raising awareness about earthquake risks. But it won’t help unless we fortify vulnerable buildings.
Freak Blizzard Kills Tens of Thousands of South Dakota Cattle—and Washington Does Nothing
An unexpectedly early winter storm buried cattle ranchers in South Dakota. They’re trying to rebuild, but the shutdown in DC and the lack of a farm bill holds them back.