Geneticists find new clues in mankind’s sudden and mysterious love of milk
Hello, Neanderthal! Yes, This Means You.
We’re carrying around a lot more genes from our caveman cousin than we ever knew
Birds and Dinosaurs: Their Strangest Feature
A nifty bit of respiratory design goes back a very long way
Oldest Human DNA Discovered, Muddles Picture of Our Origin
DNA from Spanish bones beats old record by almost 300,000 years
Neanderthals Were Neat Freaks: Inside the Original Man Caves
Our brutish forebears liked things tidy—so what’s wrong with you?
Rethinking Your Relatives—the Fossilized Ones
A rare find suggests that there were fewer prehuman species than we believe—and that has implications throughout the fossil record
Hands Beat Feet. An Old Evolutionary Question is Answered
Scientists long debated whether tool use or upright posture came first. Now they may have the answer
Found: Your Oldest Primate Ancestor
A discovery in an ancient Chinese lake bed pushes the origin of humans back — way back
Why Your Brain Craves Music
Our highest and lowest processing regions explain the irresistible appeal of a song
Found: Humanity’s Great-Grand-Rat
A new study finds our most distant ancestor — a cool 65 million years back.