A new trove of letters from an architect of the Holocaust and a new scientific study shed light on the roots of hate
When Doing Good Means You’re Bad
Charitable giving ought to be something we applaud—but in some cases it gets exactly the opposite reaction
Driving Over Your Best Friend: It’s the Right Thing to Do
Life is full of moral dilemmas, and a new study shows we may be better at resolving them than we think
Your Personality Makes Your Politics
Red state, blue state, liberal, conservative—your moral beliefs make all the difference
What Listening to the Newtown 911 Recordings Says About You
We’re horrified, but sometimes we can’t turn away. Is that ever O.K?
The Science Of Awesome
If you see something beautiful, you’re more likely to think that there is a higher power at work.
What is it about awe?
Scientists recently tested the power of awe and found that people who had recently viewed something spectacular or unexplainable were more likely to attribute its beauty to a non-specified “designer” as …
Why There Are No Atheists at the Grand Canyon
All it takes is a little awe to make you feel religious
Note to Mentally Ill Teens: You’re On Your Own
Treatment rates are woefully low for kids with psychological problems, a new study finds
Why You’re Likelier to Cheat in the Afternoon
Willpower takes work, and the later it gets, the more your energy runs down
Singles Bar Science: Your Posse Makes You Better Looking
Human beings tend to average out the faces they see in a group—and when it comes to beauty, average can be good