Ecocentric Ecocentric

Oil Spill Report Hits White House. Is it Fair?

Sometimes a President can’t catch a break—a lesson the current, beleaguered resident of the Oval Office keeps learning. The latest bit of bad news came from a commission the President himself appointed back in the spring to study the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. President Obama announced the creation of the study group on May …

Ecocentric Ecocentric

Climate: Al Gore Wants Business to Step Up

I’m still at the B4E Summit in Mexico City (though it’s not so much Mexico City as the business district of Santa Fe, which is less than walkable—my hotel and the gargantuan convention center are next to each other, but getting from one to the other is a 15-minute walk around streets designed for cars, not people). Al Gore—former …

Ecocentric Ecocentric

Climate: A Green Film for 10:10 Ignites a Controversy

I’m at the B4E Summit in Mexico City, where the early message from the panelists is that last year’s Copenhagen climate summit led to the “end of carbon fundamentalism,” in the words of Rachel Kyte of the International Finance Corporation. That means that the decades-old Rio dream that the world could look at the science of climate …

Ecocentric Ecocentric

Oceans: A Book of Life for the Seas

“Only the sea knows the depth of the sea.” So goes a line from Hindu scriptures, one that well describes the mystery of the ocean depths—and our ongoing ignorance about life beneath the waves. For thousands of years, our knowledge of the seas was limited to surface currents and the fish that we could catch, close to the coast. …

Ecocentric Ecocentric

Energy: Will Efficiency Lead to More Consumption?

In the polarized realm of climate and energy politics, energy efficiency has always been the common ground. The concept is so attractive—we clearly waste far too much of our energy, whether that means driving a car with that gets low gas-mileage or living in a poorly insulated house. If you’re worried about climate change and are …

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