The folks at Olympus know a thing or two about what makes a pretty picture. One thing they appreciate is that the most striking images are often the ones that are too small to see. That’s why they’re now in their tenth year of sponsoring the Olympus BioScapes Digital Imaging competition, soliciting photographs captured under the microscope by competitors from around the world. Of the thousands of Images they received this year, the 10 that follow were the winners. The first place finisher receives either an Olympus microscope or camera equipment, both valued at $5,000. The rest of us get some of the most improbably beautiful sights we’d otherwise never hope to see.
Tiny Beauties: Visions From Under the Microscope
A global photography contest produces stunning images from an invisible world
Laurie Knight / Olympus Bioscapes
Honorable Mention: Soldier Fly