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The Cassini spacecraft find yet another marvel on Saturn’s moon Titan
The Cassini spacecraft find yet another marvel on Saturn’s moon Titan
West Virginia is the most neurotic state, Utah is the most agreeable and the folks of Wisconsin are the country’s most extroverted, a new study says. Take TIME’s test to find out which state most suits you
One of nature’s sillier-sounding birds has a nifty way to mimic what it’s not
New studies of hibernating bacteria show how DNA can repair and maintain itself over hundreds of thousands of years. That has big meaning for life in space.
Feeling what someone else feels isn’t easy, but the brain is wired for it
One of the original Mercury Seven astronauts, Carpenter flew a strange and harrowing mission
Nearly 50 years after Francois Englert and Peter Higgs did their work, they were recognized by science’s top award for helping to explain why the universe exists
Scientists long debated whether tool use or upright posture came first. Now they may have the answer
(Gravity spoiler alert: Movie plot-points revealed below)
On the Monday after the first Friday of a blockbuster space movie, the crazy talk starts. Always happens (The 2001 monolith is real! The Apollo 13 mission was faked!), always will. So too with Gravity, courtesy of this post on The Wrap, arguing that Sandra Bullock’s character …
Generosity, decency, your respect for a square deal—they’re all about neurochemistry